Chapter 7 HMSC setup

7.1 Setup

# Random effects data (study design)
StudyDesign <- sample_metadata %>%
                    dplyr::select(sample,location) %>% 
                    column_to_rownames("sample") %>% 
                    mutate(location = factor(location))

# Genome count table (quantitative community data)
YData <- read_counts %>% 
                    mutate(across(where(is.numeric), ~ . +1 )) %>% #add +1 pseudocount to remove zeros
                    mutate(across(where(is.numeric), ~ . / (genome_metadata$length / 150) )) %>% #transform to genome counts
                    mutate(across(where(is.numeric), ~  log(.) )) %>% #log-transform
                    arrange(genome) %>%
                    column_to_rownames("genome") %>% 
                    dplyr::select(all_of(row.names(StudyDesign))) %>%  #filter only faecal samples
                    t() # transpose

# Fixed effects data (explanatory variables)
XData <- sample_metadata %>% 
                    column_to_rownames("sample") %>% 
                    mutate(logseqdepth=read_counts %>% #total log-sequencing depth
                        dplyr::select(all_of(row.names(StudyDesign))) %>% 
                        colSums() %>% 
                    ) %>% 
                    mutate(origin = factor(origin)) %>%
                    mutate(sex = factor(sex)) %>% 
                    dplyr::select(origin, sex, logseqdepth)

# Genome phylogeny
PData <- genome_tree

7.2 Define formulas of the Hmsc model

# Fixed effects formula
XFormula = ~origin + sex + logseqdepth

# Study design
rL.location = HmscRandomLevel(units = levels(StudyDesign$location))

7.3 Define and Hmsc models

#Define models
model1 = Hmsc(Y=YData,
         XData = XData, 
         XFormula = XFormula,
         studyDesign = StudyDesign,
         phyloTree = PData, 
         distr = "normal",
         YScale = TRUE)

#Save list of models as an R object.
model_list = list(model1=model1)
if (!dir.exists("hmsc")){dir.create("hmsc")}
save(model_list, file = "hmsc/hmsc.Rdata")

Upload hmsc/hmsc.Rdata to the HPC respecting the directory structure.

7.4 Define MCMC

# How often to sample the MCMC
MCMC_samples_list = 250

# The number of MCMC steps between each recording sample
MCMC_thin_list = 10

# The number of MCMC chains to use
nChains = 4

7.5 Generate Hmsc executables

The next chunk generates shell files for every combination of model, MCMC samples and MCMM thinning, ready to be launched as SLURM jobs.

modelchains <- expand.grid(model = names(model_list), sample = MCMC_samples_list, thin = MCMC_thin_list)

if (!dir.exists("hmsc")){dir.create("hmsc")}
for(i in c(1:nrow(modelchains))){
      executablename <- paste0("hmsc/exe_",modelname,"_",sample,"_",thin,".sh")
      fitname <- paste0("fit_",modelname,"_",sample,"_",thin,".Rdata")
      convname <- paste0("conv_",modelname,"_",sample,"_",thin,".Rdata")
      model <- paste0('model_list$',modelname) <-  paste0("psrf.beta.",modelname,"_",sample,"_",thin) <-  paste0("psrf.gamma.",modelname,"_",sample,"_",thin) <-  paste0("psrf.rho.",modelname,"_",sample,"_",thin)
      jobname <- paste0("hmsc_",modelname,"_",sample,"_",thin)
      minutes <- 1000
      code <- sprintf("#!/bin/bash
#SBATCH --job-name=%s                   # Job name
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks=4                      # Run on 4 CPUs
#SBATCH --mem=96gb                      # Job memory request
#SBATCH --time=%d                       # In minutes

# Activate conda environment
module load mamba/1.3.1
source activate /maps/projects/mjolnir1/people/jpl786/AMAC001_fibre_trial/hmsc/hmsc_env

# Run R script
Rscript -e '
# Load formulas and data

# Declare placeholders
modelname = \"%s\"
model = %s
fitname = \"%s\"
convname = \"%s\"
sample = %d
thin = %d
nchains = %d

# Run model fitting
m = sampleMcmc(hM = model, 
         samples = sample, 
         thin = thin,
         transient = ceiling(0.5*sample*thin),
         nChains = nchains,
         nParallel = nchains)

# Run model cross-validation
partition <- createPartition(m, nfolds = 5)
cv <- computePredictedValues(m, partition=partition, nChains = 4)

# Assess chain convergence
mpost = convertToCodaObject(m, 
      spNamesNumbers = c(T,F), 
      covNamesNumbers = c(T,F),
      Beta = TRUE,
      Gamma = TRUE,
      V = FALSE,
      Sigma = FALSE,
      Rho = TRUE,
      Eta = FALSE,
      Lambda = FALSE,
      Alpha = FALSE,
      Omega = FALSE,
      Psi = FALSE,
      Delta = FALSE) # Convert to CODA object

# Fixed effects
assign(paste0(\"psrf.beta.\", modelname,\"_\",sample,\"_\",thin), gelman.diag(mpost$Beta,multivariate=FALSE)$psrf)

# Traits
assign(paste0(\"psrf.gamma.\", modelname,\"_\",sample,\"_\",thin), gelman.diag(mpost$Gamma,multivariate=FALSE)$psrf)

# Phylogeny
assign(paste0(\"psrf.rho.\", modelname,\"_\",sample,\"_\",thin), gelman.diag(mpost$Rho,multivariate=FALSE)$psrf)

# Write convergence data
save(%s, %s, %s, file=convname)

# Save model fit object
save(m, cv, file=fitname)
", jobname, minutes, modelname, model, fitname, convname, sample, thin, nChains,,,
      writeLines(code, executablename)

Upload the produced hmsc/ files to the HPC respecting the directory structure.

7.6 Fit Hmsc models (in Mjolnir HPC)

Launch the SLURM jobs by using:

#Create and define tmpdir
mkdir -p "$tmpdir"
export TMPDIR="$tmpdir"

#Or launch them one by one only the ones you want to launch