Chapter 11 Dominance-microbiome analysis
11.0.1 Posterior estimates
The next step is to get the posterior estimates of beta, which is the parameter that links dominance with the microbiome. We employ a support threshold of ‘0.05’ to assign significance, meaning that parameters with posterior overlaps of <10% are considered significantly different.
# Select desired support threshold
# Basal tree
postestimates_tree <- genome_tree %>%
keep.tip(., tip=m$spNames)
# Posterior estimate table
post_beta <- getPostEstimate(hM=m, parName="Beta")$support %>% %>%
mutate(variable=m$covNames) %>%
pivot_longer(!variable, names_to = "genome", values_to = "value") %>%
mutate(genome=factor(genome, levels=rev(postestimates_tree$tip.label))) %>%
mutate(value = case_when(
value >= support ~ "Positive",
value <= negsupport ~ "Negative",
TRUE ~ "Neutral")) %>%
mutate(value=factor(value, levels=c("Positive","Neutral","Negative"))) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = variable, values_from = value) %>%
rename(intercept=2) %>%
select(genome,dominance,groupvariable) %>%
# Aggregate basal GIFT into elements
function_table <- genome_gifts %>%
to.elements(., GIFT_db) %>%
phylum_colors <- read_tsv("") %>%
right_join(genome_metadata, by=join_by(phylum == phylum)) %>%
filter(genome %in% postestimates_tree$tip.label) %>%
arrange(match(genome, postestimates_tree$tip.label)) %>%
mutate(phylum = factor(phylum, levels = unique(phylum))) %>%
column_to_rownames(var = "genome") %>%
colors_alphabetic <- read_tsv("") %>%
right_join(genome_metadata, by=join_by(phylum == phylum)) %>%
filter(genome %in% postestimates_tree$tip.label) %>%
arrange(match(genome, postestimates_tree$tip.label)) %>%
select(phylum, colors) %>%
unique() %>%
arrange(phylum) %>%
select(colors) %>%
# Basal ggtree
postestimates_tree <- postestimates_tree %>%
force.ultrametric(.,method="extend") %>%
ggtree(., size = 0.3)
* Note: *
* force.ultrametric does not include a formal method to *
* ultrametricize a tree & should only be used to coerce *
* a phylogeny that fails is.ultrametric due to rounding -- *
* not as a substitute for formal rate-smoothing methods. *
#Add phylum colors next to the tree tips
postestimates_tree <- gheatmap(postestimates_tree, phylum_colors, offset=-0.2, width=0.1, colnames=FALSE) +
#Reset fill scale to use a different colour profile in the heatmap
postestimates_tree <- postestimates_tree + new_scale_fill()
# Add posterior significant heatmap
postestimates_tree <- gheatmap(postestimates_tree, post_beta, offset=0, width=0.2, colnames=TRUE, colnames_position="top",colnames_angle=90, colnames_offset_y=1, hjust=0) +
#Reset fill scale to use a different colour profile in the heatmap
postestimates_tree <- postestimates_tree + new_scale_fill()
#Add functions heatmap
postestimates_tree <- gheatmap(postestimates_tree, function_table, offset=0.6, width=3.5, colnames=FALSE) +
vexpand(.08) +
coord_cartesian(clip = "off") +
scale_fill_gradient(low = "#f4f4f4", high = "steelblue", na.value="white") +
labs(fill="Function fullness")
#Reset fill scale to use a different colour profile in the heatmap
postestimates_tree <- postestimates_tree + new_scale_fill()
# Add completeness barplots
postestimates_tree <- postestimates_tree +
grid.params=list(axis="x", text.size=2, nbreak = 1),
mapping = aes(x=length, y=genome, fill=completeness),
offset = 3.85,
stat="identity") +
scale_fill_gradient(low = "#cf8888", high = "#a2cc87") +
labs(fill="Genome completeness")
postestimates_tree +
vexpand(.25, 1) # expand top
11.0.2 Positively associated genomes
getPostEstimate(hM=m, parName="Beta")$support %>% %>%
mutate(variable=m$covNames) %>%
pivot_longer(!variable, names_to = "genome", values_to = "value") %>%
mutate(trend = case_when(
value >= support ~ "Positive",
value <= negsupport ~ "Negative",
TRUE ~ "Neutral")) %>%
filter(variable=="dominance", trend=="Positive") %>%
arrange(-value) %>%
left_join(genome_metadata,by=join_by(genome==genome)) %>%
select(genome,phylum,class,order,species,value) %>%
genome | phylum | class | order | species | value |
A_DRC05_bin.59 | p__Bacteroidota | c__Bacteroidia | o__Bacteroidales | s__Duncaniella sp910577345 | 1.000 |
C_HT_bin.102 | p__Bacillota | c__Bacilli | o__Lactobacillales | s__Limosilactobacillus reuteri | 0.998 |
A_HTC12_bin.48 | p__Bacillota | c__Bacilli | o__Lactobacillales | s__Lactobacillus johnsonii | 0.995 |
C_HT_bin.9 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Oscillospirales | s__QXXE01 sp910589115 | 0.994 |
A_DTC03_bin.77 | p__Bacteroidota | c__Bacteroidia | o__Bacteroidales | s__CAG-873 sp910586975 | 0.992 |
B_C04M3_bin.80 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Lachnospirales | s__ | 0.991 |
B_C05M2_bin.12 | p__Bacteroidota | c__Bacteroidia | o__Bacteroidales | s__CAG-873 sp910578095 | 0.991 |
A_CDC10_bin.30 | p__Bacteroidota | c__Bacteroidia | o__Bacteroidales | s__Duncaniella sp910589485 | 0.990 |
B_C03M5_bin.33 | p__Bacillota_B | c__Dehalobacteriia | o__UBA4068 | s__ | 0.990 |
A_CDC13_bin.65 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Lachnospirales | s__Eubacterium_J sp009774535 | 0.987 |
A_T3C12_bin.34 | p__Bacteroidota | c__Bacteroidia | o__Bacteroidales | s__CAG-485 sp009775355 | 0.985 |
C_DR_bin.56 | p__Bacteroidota | c__Bacteroidia | o__Bacteroidales | s__CAG-485 sp910578075 | 0.985 |
B_C04M3_bin.108 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Oscillospirales | s__Acutalibacter sp009936035 | 0.984 |
B_C06M3_bin.61 | p__Bacillota | c__Bacilli | o__Erysipelotrichales | s__C-19 sp910576855 | 0.981 |
B_C12F1_bin.72 | p__Bacteroidota | c__Bacteroidia | o__Bacteroidales | s__Duncaniella sp910578515 | 0.980 |
C_HR_bin.153 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Oscillospirales | s__ | 0.980 |
A_T1C10_bin.3 | p__Bacteroidota | c__Bacteroidia | o__Bacteroidales | s__UBA7173 sp002491305 | 0.979 |
B_C11F5_bin.68 | p__Bacteroidota | c__Bacteroidia | o__Bacteroidales | s__UBA7173 sp001689485 | 0.979 |
B_C12F1_bin.61 | p__Bacteroidota | c__Bacteroidia | o__Bacteroidales | s__CAG-873 sp009775535 | 0.977 |
A_DRC04_bin.49 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Oscillospirales | s__Enterenecus sp910587255 | 0.975 |
C_DR_bin.4 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Oscillospirales | s__Avispirillum sp011957885 | 0.974 |
A_HTC03_bin.32 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Oscillospirales | s__Pelethomonas sp910587645 | 0.973 |
B_C04M5_bin.101 | p__Bacteroidota | c__Bacteroidia | o__Bacteroidales | s__Paramuribaculum sp910579675 | 0.973 |
B_C11F3_bin.29 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Lachnospirales | s__CAG-95 sp009911035 | 0.973 |
A_CDC12_bin.65 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Christensenellales | s__Coproplasma sp003979335 | 0.972 |
B_C13F3_bin.77 | p__Bacteroidota | c__Bacteroidia | o__Bacteroidales | s__CAG-873 sp910587915 | 0.972 |
A_CDC13_bin.13 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Lachnospirales | s__UBA3402 sp002358555 | 0.971 |
B_C05M3_bin.38 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Lachnospirales | s__Eubacterium_J sp910574915 | 0.971 |
B_C13F3_bin.53 | p__Bacillota | c__Bacilli | o__Erysipelotrichales | s__Erysipelatoclostridium cocleatum | 0.970 |
A_DTC13_bin.55 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Christensenellales | s__RACS-045 sp910579785 | 0.969 |
A_T2C12_bin.11 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Oscillospirales | s__NSJ-51 sp910585415 | 0.969 |
B_C06M5_bin.62 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Christensenellales | s__CAG-475 sp910577815 | 0.968 |
B_C13F3_bin.5 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__TANB77 | s__ | 0.967 |
B_C13F3_bin.97 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__TANB77 | s__ | 0.967 |
C_CR_bin.18 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Lachnospirales | s__VSOB01 sp910589075 | 0.966 |
C_DT_bin.159 | p__Bacteroidota | c__Bacteroidia | o__Bacteroidales | s__ | 0.965 |
A_T2C05_bin.3 | p__Bacteroidota | c__Bacteroidia | o__Bacteroidales | s__Muribaculum gordoncarteri | 0.964 |
B_C13F2_bin.43 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Oscillospirales | s__Enterenecus sp910587255 | 0.963 |
B_C04M3_bin.128 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Oscillospirales | s__Anaerotruncus sp000403395 | 0.962 |
B_C13F3_bin.35 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Lachnospirales | s__MGBC136627 sp910585935 | 0.961 |
A_OPC13_bin.50 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Oscillospirales | s__UBA1405 sp910589145 | 0.960 |
B_C05M1_bin.75 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Lachnospirales | s__Clostridium_Q sp009911305 | 0.959 |
B_C13F3_bin.70 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Oscillospirales | s__ | 0.959 |
A_CDC05_bin.89 | p__Bacteroidota | c__Bacteroidia | o__Bacteroidales | s__ | 0.958 |
A_OPC10_bin.79 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Lachnospirales | s__UBA3402 sp910574345 | 0.957 |
C_OP_bin.44 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Lachnospirales | s__Ventrimonas sp910586205 | 0.957 |
C_HT_bin.137 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Oscillospirales | s__ | 0.956 |
C_CR_bin.157 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Christensenellales | s__ | 0.954 |
C_T3_bin.64 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Oscillospirales | s__NSJ-51 sp910585415 | 0.954 |
C_DR_bin.31 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Lachnospirales | s__Anaerotignum sp910576545 | 0.953 |
A_OPC10_bin.40 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Oscillospirales | s__ | 0.952 |
B_C12F2_bin.47 | p__Bacillota | c__Bacilli | o__Lactobacillales | s__Enterococcus_D casseliflavus | 0.952 |
C_HR_bin.13 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Oscillospirales | s__Evtepia sp910584805 | 0.952 |
C_T2_bin.55 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Lachnospirales | s__ | 0.952 |
B_C04M2_bin.33 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Oscillospirales | s__Enterenecus sp910585265 | 0.951 |
B_C04M3_bin.31 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Oscillospirales | s__Angelakisella sp013316495 | 0.951 |
A_OPC03_bin.64 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Lachnospirales | s__Acetatifactor sp910589655 | 0.950 |
A_T1C11_bin.9 | p__Bacteroidota | c__Bacteroidia | o__Bacteroidales | s__CAG-485 sp002362485 | 0.949 |
B_C04M3_bin.18 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Lachnospirales | s__Eubacterium_J sp910586445 | 0.949 |
B_C03M3_bin.127 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Oscillospirales | s__Acutalibacter sp009936035 | 0.948 |
B_C04M4_bin.45 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Oscillospirales | s__ | 0.948 |
A_T3C03_bin.17 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Christensenellales | s__QANA01 sp910588425 | 0.947 |
B_C04M2_bin.76 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Lachnospirales | s__CAG-56 sp004793585 | 0.945 |
A_HRC11_bin.35 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Oscillospirales | s__ | 0.944 |
B_C04M4_bin.5 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Lachnospirales | s__Choladocola sp009774145 | 0.944 |
C_DT_bin.37 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Oscillospirales | s__Acutalibacter sp009936035 | 0.944 |
C_DR_bin.21 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Lachnospirales | s__MD308 sp910578455 | 0.943 |
A_CDC03_bin.78 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Oscillospirales | s__Lawsonibacter sp910577805 | 0.942 |
B_C13F5_bin.28 | p__Bacteroidota | c__Bacteroidia | o__Bacteroidales | s__Duncaniella sp910576785 | 0.942 |
A_HRC10_bin.28 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Christensenellales | s__Gallimonas sp910578065 | 0.941 |
A_T3C11_bin.23 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Lachnospirales | s__RGIG4284 sp910576205 | 0.941 |
A_HTC12_bin.21 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Lachnospirales | s__UBA3402 sp910575585 | 0.940 |
A_T2C05_bin.28 | p__Bacillota | c__Bacilli | o__Erysipelotrichales | s__MGBC163490 sp910588075 | 0.940 |
B_C10F2_bin.5 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Oscillospirales | s__ | 0.940 |
C_HR_bin.146 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Lachnospirales | s__Choladocola sp910575445 | 0.940 |
B_C05M5_bin.57 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Oscillospirales | s__Pelethomonas sp910587785 | 0.939 |
B_C10F5_bin.45 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Oscillospirales | s__Dysosmobacter sp000403435 | 0.939 |
B_C12F3_bin.66 | p__Bacteroidota | c__Bacteroidia | o__Bacteroidales | s__ | 0.939 |
B_C11F5_bin.87 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Lachnospirales | s__ | 0.938 |
A_CRC05_bin.32 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Lachnospirales | s__Eubacterium_J sp910579075 | 0.937 |
B_C04M1_bin.34 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Oscillospirales | s__Pelethomonas sp910579965 | 0.937 |
B_C04M3_bin.90 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Lachnospirales | s__14-2 sp910580015 | 0.937 |
C_T2_bin.30 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Lachnospirales | s__ | 0.934 |
C_T3_bin.41 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Lachnospirales | s__Acetatifactor sp910584235 | 0.934 |
C_CD_bin.124 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Oscillospirales | s__Pelethomonas sp910579965 | 0.933 |
C_OP_bin.73 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Lachnospirales | s__UBA3402 sp910585435 | 0.933 |
C_HR_bin.50 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Lachnospirales | s__UBA3402 sp910588325 | 0.932 |
A_CDC03_bin.64 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Lachnospirales | s__ | 0.930 |
B_C03M3_bin.121 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Lachnospirales | s__Lachnoclostridium_B sp910574185 | 0.930 |
B_C10F1_bin.59 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Lachnospirales | s__Choladocola sp910583895 | 0.929 |
B_C10F5_bin.36 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Lachnospirales | s__UBA3282 sp003611805 | 0.928 |
B_C11F5_bin.21 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Lachnospirales | s__COE1 sp000403335 | 0.928 |
A_CDC10_bin.13 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Christensenellales | s__MGBC113161 sp910587565 | 0.927 |
A_DRC13_bin.41 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Oscillospirales | s__Acutalibacter muris | 0.927 |
C_CD_bin.62 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Lachnospirales | s__1XD42-69 sp009911505 | 0.925 |
C_OP_bin.15 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Lachnospirales | s__Roseburia sp910584215 | 0.925 |
A_CDC05_bin.91 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Oscillospirales | s__ | 0.923 |
C_T2_bin.92 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__TANB77 | s__ | 0.923 |
A_CDC05_bin.30 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Oscillospirales | s__ | 0.922 |
A_CRC04_bin.71 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Lachnospirales | s__Sporofaciens sp910574885 | 0.922 |
B_C13F3_bin.99 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Lachnospirales | s__Merdisoma sp910574255 | 0.922 |
B_C04M1_bin.8 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Lachnospirales | s__Merdisoma sp910576325 | 0.921 |
B_C03M2_bin.44 | p__Bacteroidota | c__Bacteroidia | o__Bacteroidales | s__Duncaniella muris | 0.920 |
B_C06M5_bin.16 | p__Actinomycetota | c__Coriobacteriia | o__Coriobacteriales | s__Adlercreutzia muris | 0.920 |
C_T3_bin.99 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Oscillospirales | s__Pelethomonas sp910577915 | 0.920 |
B_C05M1_bin.6 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Lachnospirales | s__Ventrimonas sp910584845 | 0.919 |
A_DRC06_bin.37 | p__Bacteroidota | c__Bacteroidia | o__Bacteroidales | s__CAG-873 sp009775265 | 0.918 |
B_C12F1_bin.38 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Oscillospirales | s__Dysosmobacter sp910588005 | 0.918 |
B_C10F1_bin.10 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Lachnospirales | s__Ventrimonas sp910577765 | 0.917 |
B_C13F3_bin.93 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Oscillospirales | s__Anaerotruncus sp003612625 | 0.917 |
A_HRC05_bin.71 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Christensenellales | s__MGBC100320 sp910577995 | 0.915 |
A_T3C13_bin.3 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Oscillospirales | s__ | 0.914 |
B_C03M1_bin.60 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Christensenellales | s__MGBC100798 sp910584975 | 0.911 |
C_OP_bin.100 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Lachnospirales | s__ | 0.910 |
C_DT_bin.155 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Lachnospirales | s__ | 0.909 |
A_T1C03_bin.24 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Lachnospirales | s__UMGS1370 sp910577645 | 0.907 |
B_C12F1_bin.23 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Oscillospirales | s__Pelethomonas sp910579965 | 0.907 |
A_T2C13_bin.14 | p__Bacteroidota | c__Bacteroidia | o__Bacteroidales | s__UBA7173 sp001689685 | 0.906 |
A_CRC05_bin.73 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Christensenellales | s__MGBC100320 sp910588305 | 0.905 |
B_C03M1_bin.29 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Lachnospirales | s__Ventrimonas sp009911065 | 0.905 |
B_C04M5_bin.14 | p__Actinomycetota | c__Coriobacteriia | o__Coriobacteriales | s__Adlercreutzia caecimuris | 0.905 |
C_HR_bin.28 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Lachnospirales | s__Sporofaciens sp910585725 | 0.903 |
B_C04M5_bin.93 | p__Bacillota_A | c__Clostridia | o__Christensenellales | s__Gallimonas sp910588465 | 0.902 |
11.0.3 Negatively associated genomes
getPostEstimate(hM=m, parName="Beta")$support %>% %>%
mutate(variable=m$covNames) %>%
pivot_longer(!variable, names_to = "genome", values_to = "value") %>%
mutate(trend = case_when(
value >= support ~ "Positive",
value <= negsupport ~ "Negative",
TRUE ~ "Neutral")) %>%
filter(variable=="dominance", trend=="Negative") %>%
arrange(value) %>%
left_join(genome_metadata,by=join_by(genome==genome)) %>%
select(genome,phylum,class,order,species,value) %>%
genome | phylum | class | order | species | value |
A_T3C05_bin.41 | p__Pseudomonadota | c__Gammaproteobacteria | o__Burkholderiales | s__Parasutterella excrementihominis | 0.095 |
11.0.4 Estimate - support plot
estimate <- getPostEstimate(hM=m, parName="Beta")$mean %>% %>%
mutate(variable=m$covNames) %>%
filter(variable=="dominance") %>%
pivot_longer(!variable, names_to = "genome", values_to = "mean") %>%
support <- getPostEstimate(hM=m, parName="Beta")$support %>% %>%
mutate(variable=m$covNames) %>%
filter(variable=="dominance") %>%
pivot_longer(!variable, names_to = "genome", values_to = "support") %>%
phylum_colors <- read_tsv("") %>%
right_join(genome_metadata, by=join_by(phylum == phylum)) %>%
filter(genome %in% estimate$genome) %>%
arrange(match(genome, estimate$genome)) %>%
select(phylum, colors) %>%
unique() %>%
arrange(phylum) %>%
select(colors) %>%
inner_join(estimate,support,by=join_by(genome==genome)) %>%
mutate(significance=ifelse(support >= 0.9 | support <= 0.1,1,0)) %>%
mutate(support=ifelse(mean<0,1-support,support)) %>%
left_join(genome_metadata, by = join_by(genome == genome)) %>%
mutate(phylum = ifelse(support > 0.9, phylum, NA)) %>%
geom_point(alpha=0.7, shape=16, size=3)+
scale_color_manual(values = phylum_colors) +
geom_vline(xintercept = 0) +
xlim(c(-0.4,0.4)) +
labs(x = "Beta regression coefficient", y = "Posterior probability") +
theme(legend.position = "none")
11.1 Predict responses to dominance
Based on the fitted model, we can predict the structure of the microbial community for each level of dominance for a certain value of sequencing depth.
# Select modelchain of interest
gradient = seq(0,1,0.1)
gradientlength = length(gradient)
#Treatment-specific gradient predictions
pred <- constructGradient(m,
focalVariable = "dominance",
non.focalVariables = list(logseqdepth=list(1)),
ngrid=gradientlength) %>%
predict(m, Gradient = ., expected = TRUE)
# weights: 3 (2 variable)
initial value 162.196440
final value 133.205769
predY <- pred %>%,.) %>% %>%
mutate(dominance=rep(gradient,1000)) %>%
pivot_longer(-c(dominance), names_to = "genome", values_to = "value")
11.1.1 Plot responses to dominance
The estimated responses of genomes exhibiting significant positive and negative association with dominance.
# Select desired support threshold
#Get phylum colors from the EHI standard
phylum_colors <- genome_metadata %>%
left_join(read_tsv(""), by=join_by(phylum == phylum)) %>%
arrange(match(genome, genome_tree$tip.label)) %>%
select(phylum, colors) %>%
unique() %>%
arrange(phylum) %>%
#slice(2:5) %>%
select(colors) %>%
getPostEstimate(hM=m, parName="Beta")$support %>% %>%
mutate(variable=m$covNames) %>%
pivot_longer(!variable, names_to = "genome", values_to = "value") %>%
mutate(trend = case_when(
value >= support ~ "Positive",
value <= negsupport ~ "Negative",
TRUE ~ "Neutral")) %>%
filter(variable=="dominance") %>%
select(genome,trend) %>%
left_join(predY, by=join_by(genome==genome)) %>%
#filter(trend != "Neutral") %>%
#filter(genome %in% predY_asc) %>% #only display genomes with contrasting dynamics across treatments
group_by(genome, trend, dominance) %>%
summarize(value = mean(value, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
left_join(genome_metadata, by=join_by(genome == genome)) %>%
ggplot(aes(x=dominance, y=value, group=genome, color=phylum, linetype=trend)) +
geom_line() +
scale_linetype_manual(values=c("solid","dashed","solid")) +
scale_color_manual(values=phylum_colors) +
facet_grid(fct_rev(trend) ~ phylum) +
labs(y="Genome abundance (log)",x="Dominance") +
theme(legend.position = "none") +
theme_minimal() +
theme(legend.position = "none",
axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 0.8,),
axis.line.x = element_line(size = 0.5, linetype = "solid", colour = "black"),
11.2 Plot traits linked to trends
11.2.1 Test functional trait differences
Using Wilcoxon test with Benjamini-Hochberg procedure for FDR, identify functional traits that differ between genomes that are either positively or negatively association with dominance.
postestimate_test <- getPostEstimate(hM=m, parName="Beta")$support %>% %>%
mutate(variable=m$covNames) %>%
pivot_longer(!variable, names_to = "genome", values_to = "value") %>%
mutate(trend = case_when(
value >= support ~ "Positive",
value <= negsupport ~ "Negative",
TRUE ~ "Neutral")) %>%
filter(variable=="dominance", trend!="Neutral") %>%
select(genome,trend) %>%
left_join(function_table %>% rownames_to_column(var="genome"), by=join_by(genome==genome)) %>%
pivot_longer(-c(genome,trend), names_to = "trait", values_to = "value") %>%
group_by(trait) %>%
summarise(p_value = wilcox.test(value ~ trend)$p.value) %>%
mutate(p_adjust=p.adjust(p_value, method="BH")) %>%
filter(p_adjust < 0.05)
11.2.2 Community functional predictions Element level
elements_table <- genome_gifts %>%
to.elements(., GIFT_db) %>%
community_elements <- predY %>%
group_by(dominance, genome) %>%
mutate(row_id = row_number()) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = genome, values_from = value) %>%
ungroup() %>%
group_split(row_id) %>%
as.list() %>%
lapply(., FUN = function(x){x %>%
select(-row_id) %>%
column_to_rownames(var = "dominance") %>% %>%
exp() %>%
t() %>%
tss() %>%,.,GIFT_db) %>% %>%
calculate_slope <- function(x) {
lm_fit <- lm(unlist(x) ~ seq_along(unlist(x)))
element_predictions <- map_dfc(community_elements, function(mat) {
mat %>%
column_to_rownames(var = "dominance") %>%
t() %>% %>%
rowwise() %>%
mutate(slope = calculate_slope(c_across(everything()))) %>%
select(slope) }) %>%
t() %>% %>%
set_names(colnames(community_elements[[1]])[-1]) %>%
rownames_to_column(var="iteration") %>%
pivot_longer(!iteration, names_to="trait",values_to="value") %>%
group_by(trait) %>%
p1 = quantile(value, probs = 0.1),
p9 = quantile(value, probs = 0.9),
positive_support = sum(value > 0)/1000,
negative_support = sum(value < 0)/1000) %>%
# Positively associated
element_predictions %>%
filter(mean >0) %>%
arrange(-positive_support) %>%
trait | mean | p1 | p9 | positive_support | negative_support |
B0103 | 4.104165e-04 | -3.291650e-05 | 7.890253e-04 | 0.833 | 0.167 |
D0305 | 1.666043e-03 | -5.160041e-04 | 4.749368e-03 | 0.818 | 0.182 |
B0708 | 2.496614e-03 | -1.254454e-03 | 6.849490e-03 | 0.809 | 0.191 |
D0511 | 3.346787e-03 | -1.331733e-03 | 9.059830e-03 | 0.807 | 0.193 |
B0706 | 3.490214e-03 | -1.338794e-03 | 9.164635e-03 | 0.793 | 0.207 |
D0602 | 2.314528e-03 | -1.953434e-03 | 6.825266e-03 | 0.777 | 0.223 |
B0102 | 7.873893e-04 | -1.022802e-03 | 3.281036e-03 | 0.757 | 0.243 |
B0705 | 9.483230e-04 | -9.210338e-04 | 2.906552e-03 | 0.751 | 0.249 |
D0512 | 2.232714e-03 | -2.285578e-03 | 7.141727e-03 | 0.741 | 0.259 |
B0214 | 2.183718e-03 | -2.327279e-03 | 7.105594e-03 | 0.738 | 0.262 |
B0803 | 5.248397e-04 | -3.941343e-04 | 1.356366e-03 | 0.735 | 0.265 |
D0513 | 1.780906e-03 | -1.771384e-03 | 5.921903e-03 | 0.733 | 0.267 |
D0203 | 1.778707e-03 | -1.126479e-03 | 5.615073e-03 | 0.729 | 0.271 |
D0910 | 2.284603e-03 | -2.433390e-03 | 7.635939e-03 | 0.726 | 0.274 |
B0805 | 9.467965e-04 | -6.959032e-04 | 3.405693e-03 | 0.702 | 0.298 |
B0106 | 8.383317e-04 | -1.385429e-03 | 2.879423e-03 | 0.695 | 0.305 |
B0802 | 1.100765e-03 | -1.174843e-03 | 3.581643e-03 | 0.691 | 0.309 |
D0613 | 2.110746e-03 | -4.926596e-03 | 8.185827e-03 | 0.691 | 0.309 |
D0706 | 6.825220e-04 | -1.505567e-03 | 3.069765e-03 | 0.691 | 0.309 |
B0707 | 6.780900e-04 | -9.208398e-04 | 2.444123e-03 | 0.678 | 0.322 |
B0104 | 9.731324e-04 | -2.550485e-03 | 4.280839e-03 | 0.666 | 0.334 |
D0501 | 7.046608e-04 | -2.116070e-03 | 3.379259e-03 | 0.651 | 0.349 |
B0711 | 2.470479e-04 | -2.860633e-03 | 3.009486e-03 | 0.642 | 0.358 |
D0209 | 8.235682e-04 | -2.423924e-03 | 4.158671e-03 | 0.640 | 0.360 |
B0703 | 4.234373e-04 | -9.192862e-04 | 1.949271e-03 | 0.638 | 0.362 |
B0702 | 9.399523e-04 | -2.801397e-03 | 4.548685e-03 | 0.637 | 0.363 |
B0704 | 1.053597e-03 | -3.933395e-03 | 5.536359e-03 | 0.633 | 0.367 |
S0105 | 4.898645e-04 | -5.154987e-03 | 4.877545e-03 | 0.631 | 0.369 |
D0309 | 8.851932e-04 | -1.838238e-03 | 4.166754e-03 | 0.627 | 0.373 |
D0210 | 8.947192e-04 | -2.485486e-03 | 4.495952e-03 | 0.626 | 0.374 |
B0101 | 2.938283e-04 | -1.436322e-03 | 2.071892e-03 | 0.619 | 0.381 |
D0509 | 1.587614e-04 | -1.685350e-03 | 1.914757e-03 | 0.616 | 0.384 |
D0308 | 1.089061e-03 | -4.002174e-03 | 6.379185e-03 | 0.609 | 0.391 |
D0505 | 1.644630e-04 | -4.384325e-04 | 8.456321e-04 | 0.606 | 0.394 |
B0216 | 2.189220e-04 | -2.577254e-03 | 2.838512e-03 | 0.603 | 0.397 |
B0601 | 6.568203e-05 | -4.143817e-03 | 3.400514e-03 | 0.600 | 0.400 |
B0712 | 1.047982e-04 | -6.265841e-04 | 7.828061e-04 | 0.600 | 0.400 |
D0702 | 6.593381e-04 | -2.406870e-03 | 4.153419e-03 | 0.592 | 0.408 |
D0205 | 6.862388e-04 | -2.074949e-03 | 3.811739e-03 | 0.590 | 0.410 |
B0701 | 5.829055e-04 | -4.109473e-03 | 4.706115e-03 | 0.585 | 0.415 |
B0105 | 2.354402e-04 | -2.015111e-03 | 2.103642e-03 | 0.582 | 0.418 |
D0708 | 1.264386e-04 | -9.750279e-04 | 1.247018e-03 | 0.577 | 0.423 |
D0302 | 4.654686e-04 | -1.831433e-03 | 2.975143e-03 | 0.566 | 0.434 |
D0212 | 3.251211e-04 | -2.898410e-03 | 3.765002e-03 | 0.557 | 0.443 |
B0207 | 2.698546e-04 | -2.666829e-03 | 3.620693e-03 | 0.553 | 0.447 |
D0801 | 3.365227e-06 | -4.240681e-05 | 5.356688e-05 | 0.542 | 0.458 |
D0802 | 3.365227e-06 | -4.240681e-05 | 5.356688e-05 | 0.542 | 0.458 |
D0306 | 4.203091e-04 | -3.016939e-03 | 4.039724e-03 | 0.530 | 0.470 |
D0208 | 6.868435e-05 | -5.145522e-04 | 6.837883e-04 | 0.527 | 0.473 |
D0207 | 1.451571e-03 | -2.996464e-03 | 7.084396e-03 | 0.522 | 0.478 |
B0604 | 1.273429e-03 | -3.898953e-03 | 7.676924e-03 | 0.511 | 0.489 |
B0401 | 8.192590e-04 | -1.684257e-03 | 4.410619e-03 | 0.507 | 0.493 |
D0705 | 4.009476e-04 | -1.299421e-03 | 2.675762e-03 | 0.503 | 0.497 |
D0310 | 6.911104e-05 | -4.605457e-03 | 5.099046e-03 | 0.499 | 0.501 |
D0516 | 1.170211e-05 | -1.431965e-04 | 1.830712e-04 | 0.475 | 0.525 |
D0206 | 5.240233e-04 | -4.955146e-03 | 6.503960e-03 | 0.472 | 0.528 |
B0403 | 2.591203e-04 | -1.257287e-03 | 2.162790e-03 | 0.462 | 0.538 |
D0213 | 3.623353e-04 | -2.930587e-03 | 4.142586e-03 | 0.450 | 0.550 |
B0402 | 2.095399e-04 | -2.148903e-03 | 3.402101e-03 | 0.443 | 0.557 |
# Negatively associated
element_predictions %>%
filter(mean <0) %>%
arrange(-negative_support) %>%
trait | mean | p1 | p9 | positive_support | negative_support |
D0607 | -8.291600e-04 | -2.269564e-03 | -4.498889e-05 | 0.023 | 0.977 |
D0503 | -1.421521e-03 | -4.523134e-03 | -6.849123e-06 | 0.026 | 0.974 |
D0601 | -2.841810e-03 | -9.009419e-03 | -9.672588e-06 | 0.051 | 0.949 |
B0218 | -2.763354e-03 | -7.009181e-03 | -1.883848e-06 | 0.084 | 0.916 |
D0104 | -9.962497e-04 | -2.089788e-03 | -1.657664e-07 | 0.089 | 0.911 |
D0907 | -4.481490e-03 | -9.939284e-03 | 1.482275e-05 | 0.101 | 0.899 |
B0221 | -3.925856e-03 | -9.035304e-03 | 1.408680e-04 | 0.110 | 0.890 |
B0307 | -2.345379e-03 | -5.271998e-03 | 1.514725e-04 | 0.112 | 0.888 |
D0902 | -2.847800e-03 | -9.003818e-03 | 2.066314e-05 | 0.117 | 0.883 |
D0103 | -4.144738e-04 | -9.605540e-04 | 2.374533e-06 | 0.121 | 0.879 |
B0902 | -3.958902e-07 | -9.677130e-07 | 7.274520e-10 | 0.129 | 0.871 |
B0219 | -4.930725e-05 | -1.223234e-04 | 1.034796e-06 | 0.154 | 0.846 |
D0903 | -4.975555e-05 | -1.227435e-04 | 1.031276e-06 | 0.154 | 0.846 |
D0805 | -4.844271e-07 | -1.267004e-06 | 8.087070e-09 | 0.155 | 0.845 |
D0806 | -1.598609e-07 | -4.181113e-07 | 2.668733e-09 | 0.155 | 0.845 |
D0904 | -4.844271e-07 | -1.267004e-06 | 8.087070e-09 | 0.155 | 0.845 |
D0603 | -1.674390e-05 | -4.082512e-05 | 2.538289e-07 | 0.156 | 0.844 |
D0611 | -4.927112e-05 | -1.218486e-04 | 1.072277e-06 | 0.156 | 0.844 |
D0811 | -1.666549e-04 | -5.410216e-04 | 5.817357e-07 | 0.156 | 0.844 |
B0801 | -3.005124e-05 | -7.223503e-05 | 3.493701e-07 | 0.157 | 0.843 |
B0212 | -3.099222e-03 | -8.050103e-03 | 1.211155e-03 | 0.171 | 0.829 |
D0517 | -2.494875e-05 | -6.237695e-05 | 9.129985e-07 | 0.179 | 0.821 |
D0101 | -1.719170e-03 | -4.309367e-03 | 4.446062e-04 | 0.180 | 0.820 |
B0903 | -1.238816e-04 | -2.904086e-04 | 3.612286e-05 | 0.191 | 0.809 |
B0217 | -2.355016e-03 | -6.195672e-03 | 5.156159e-04 | 0.192 | 0.808 |
D0508 | -1.453102e-04 | -3.489720e-04 | 4.932707e-05 | 0.200 | 0.800 |
B0303 | -5.689171e-04 | -1.693970e-03 | 2.476785e-04 | 0.202 | 0.798 |
B0309 | -2.406975e-05 | -5.922252e-05 | 4.563999e-06 | 0.207 | 0.793 |
B0209 | -2.300098e-03 | -6.685690e-03 | 1.699779e-03 | 0.214 | 0.786 |
B0210 | -3.035285e-03 | -8.721838e-03 | 2.095731e-03 | 0.223 | 0.777 |
B0208 | -2.249476e-03 | -6.605608e-03 | 1.757571e-03 | 0.231 | 0.769 |
B0213 | -2.467121e-03 | -7.453025e-03 | 1.806678e-03 | 0.231 | 0.769 |
B0206 | -1.728677e-03 | -5.374166e-03 | 1.637505e-03 | 0.236 | 0.764 |
B1028 | -4.016906e-04 | -1.330101e-03 | 1.395929e-04 | 0.239 | 0.761 |
D0807 | -2.676669e-04 | -7.656125e-04 | 1.502580e-04 | 0.241 | 0.759 |
D0301 | -4.778863e-05 | -1.553416e-04 | 5.215710e-05 | 0.243 | 0.757 |
D0817 | -2.891783e-04 | -7.957855e-04 | 1.956856e-04 | 0.247 | 0.753 |
B0205 | -1.688480e-03 | -5.329931e-03 | 1.387674e-03 | 0.248 | 0.752 |
B0215 | -2.461911e-03 | -7.783948e-03 | 2.135384e-03 | 0.253 | 0.747 |
D0816 | -6.115945e-04 | -1.728626e-03 | 5.384457e-04 | 0.253 | 0.747 |
D0606 | -1.856943e-04 | -5.267146e-04 | 1.291961e-04 | 0.254 | 0.746 |
D0908 | -1.741660e-03 | -5.548600e-03 | 2.346721e-03 | 0.261 | 0.739 |
D0704 | -2.432267e-03 | -7.507592e-03 | 2.002404e-03 | 0.262 | 0.738 |
D0510 | -5.647592e-05 | -1.933528e-04 | 6.450299e-05 | 0.264 | 0.736 |
D0819 | -1.086629e-08 | -3.131216e-08 | 4.582416e-09 | 0.264 | 0.736 |
B0302 | -5.661645e-05 | -1.488243e-04 | 1.825840e-05 | 0.268 | 0.732 |
B0602 | -7.347080e-04 | -2.809640e-03 | 1.014026e-03 | 0.277 | 0.723 |
D0502 | -2.001295e-03 | -7.106487e-03 | 2.716307e-03 | 0.279 | 0.721 |
B1012 | -2.555086e-04 | -9.382364e-04 | 3.963025e-04 | 0.281 | 0.719 |
B0204 | -8.212644e-04 | -2.986972e-03 | 1.055787e-03 | 0.288 | 0.712 |
D0518 | -1.869769e-04 | -5.865696e-04 | 1.782459e-04 | 0.292 | 0.708 |
D0912 | -5.608830e-04 | -1.599417e-03 | 2.192870e-04 | 0.296 | 0.704 |
B0211 | -8.700513e-04 | -3.370054e-03 | 1.183226e-03 | 0.297 | 0.703 |
B0901 | -2.927109e-05 | -1.030717e-04 | 4.511132e-05 | 0.297 | 0.703 |
B0220 | -3.421852e-04 | -1.148521e-03 | 4.808089e-04 | 0.298 | 0.702 |
B0709 | -8.196714e-05 | -3.169548e-04 | 1.688408e-04 | 0.311 | 0.689 |
S0104 | -6.336098e-04 | -3.145604e-03 | 2.086668e-03 | 0.315 | 0.685 |
D0307 | -7.036201e-04 | -2.693563e-03 | 1.193173e-03 | 0.316 | 0.684 |
S0201 | -1.252561e-03 | -5.825400e-03 | 3.750881e-03 | 0.317 | 0.683 |
D0610 | -2.612261e-04 | -9.770819e-04 | 4.358967e-04 | 0.322 | 0.678 |
D0701 | -4.259483e-05 | -1.519154e-04 | 5.245908e-05 | 0.335 | 0.665 |
D0507 | -1.433011e-04 | -6.875030e-04 | 3.570201e-04 | 0.353 | 0.647 |
D0201 | -1.644238e-03 | -5.941041e-03 | 9.391648e-04 | 0.354 | 0.646 |
S0103 | -4.589567e-05 | -1.298387e-03 | 1.365016e-03 | 0.360 | 0.640 |
S0301 | -1.031175e-03 | -5.708423e-03 | 4.142674e-03 | 0.367 | 0.633 |
D0604 | -1.062937e-03 | -7.024071e-03 | 4.896637e-03 | 0.368 | 0.632 |
B0804 | -6.188490e-04 | -3.370393e-03 | 1.509535e-03 | 0.373 | 0.627 |
D0211 | -2.689049e-04 | -1.646414e-03 | 1.112083e-03 | 0.377 | 0.623 |
D0202 | -6.174943e-04 | -2.561183e-03 | 1.020619e-03 | 0.380 | 0.620 |
B1004 | -5.911958e-05 | -4.524567e-04 | 3.073879e-04 | 0.386 | 0.614 |
D0608 | -2.152204e-05 | -1.205862e-04 | 7.870969e-05 | 0.388 | 0.612 |
S0202 | -9.007486e-05 | -4.947459e-04 | 3.222497e-04 | 0.402 | 0.598 |
D0906 | -1.036392e-06 | -4.975518e-06 | 2.627358e-06 | 0.406 | 0.594 |
D0504 | -7.944653e-05 | -4.601832e-04 | 2.629917e-04 | 0.409 | 0.591 |
B0605 | -8.736315e-04 | -5.535142e-03 | 3.899984e-03 | 0.426 | 0.574 |
D0506 | -1.005735e-04 | -1.237638e-03 | 9.332254e-04 | 0.427 | 0.573 |
D0102 | -2.421593e-04 | -1.847734e-03 | 1.172253e-03 | 0.446 | 0.554 |
D0609 | -6.601686e-05 | -1.798551e-03 | 1.907520e-03 | 0.453 | 0.547 |
B0603 | -1.413073e-04 | -2.275988e-03 | 1.748526e-03 | 0.464 | 0.536 |
D0905 | -8.787333e-05 | -4.054964e-03 | 4.302750e-03 | 0.466 | 0.534 |
D0911 | -8.869413e-05 | -4.089514e-03 | 4.404582e-03 | 0.469 | 0.531 |
D0304 | -1.179077e-04 | -2.406748e-03 | 2.089449e-03 | 0.473 | 0.527 |
S0101 | -7.349656e-05 | -1.347788e-03 | 9.602682e-04 | 0.489 | 0.511 |
D0901 | -5.324917e-04 | -7.268231e-03 | 5.322711e-03 | 0.521 | 0.479 |
D0204 | -2.675759e-04 | -2.863755e-03 | 2.203051e-03 | 0.524 | 0.476 |
B0710 | -4.912803e-04 | -2.893019e-03 | 1.274017e-03 | 0.571 | 0.429 |
positive <- element_predictions %>%
filter(mean >0) %>%
arrange(-positive_support) %>%
select(-negative_support) %>%
rename(support=positive_support) %>%
# Negatively associated
negative <- element_predictions %>%
filter(mean <0) %>%
arrange(-negative_support) %>%
select(-positive_support) %>%
rename(support=negative_support) %>%
mutate(support=-support) %>%
slice(1:10) %>%
bind_rows(positive,negative) %>%
left_join(GIFT_db,by=join_by(trait==Code_element)) %>%
mutate(trait=factor(trait,levels=c(rev(positive$trait),negative$trait))) %>%
ggplot(aes(x=mean, y=fct_rev(trait), xmin=p1, xmax=p9, color=Function)) +
geom_point() +
geom_errorbar() +
scale_color_manual(values = c("#debc14","#440526","#dc7c17","#172742","#357379","#6c7e2c","#d8dc69","#774d35","#db717d")) +
theme_minimal() +
labs(x="Regression coefficient",y="Functional trait") Function level
functions_table <- elements_table %>%
to.functions(., GIFT_db) %>%
community_functions <- predY %>%
group_by(dominance, genome) %>%
mutate(row_id = row_number()) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = genome, values_from = value) %>%
ungroup() %>%
group_split(row_id) %>%
as.list() %>%
lapply(., FUN = function(x){x %>%
select(-row_id) %>%
column_to_rownames(var = "dominance") %>% %>%
exp() %>%
t() %>%
tss() %>%,.,GIFT_db) %>% %>%
#max-min option
calculate_slope <- function(x) {
lm_fit <- lm(unlist(x) ~ seq_along(unlist(x)))
function_predictions <- map_dfc(community_functions, function(mat) {
mat %>%
column_to_rownames(var = "dominance") %>%
t() %>% %>%
rowwise() %>%
mutate(slope = calculate_slope(c_across(everything()))) %>%
select(slope) }) %>%
t() %>% %>%
set_names(colnames(community_functions[[1]])[-1]) %>%
rownames_to_column(var="iteration") %>%
pivot_longer(!iteration, names_to="trait",values_to="value") %>%
group_by(trait) %>%
p1 = quantile(value, probs = 0.1),
p9 = quantile(value, probs = 0.9),
positive_support = sum(value > 0)/1000,
negative_support = sum(value < 0)/1000) %>%
# Positively associated
function_predictions %>%
filter(mean >0) %>%
arrange(-positive_support) %>%
trait | mean | p1 | p9 | positive_support | negative_support |
B08 | 0.0006145788 | -0.0002240063 | 0.001682819 | 0.816 | 0.184 |
B07 | 0.0011878162 | -0.0006215992 | 0.003301166 | 0.760 | 0.240 |
D05 | 0.0004984042 | -0.0004281026 | 0.001607224 | 0.745 | 0.255 |
B01 | 0.0005897564 | -0.0010033494 | 0.002038586 | 0.673 | 0.327 |
S01 | 0.0001177181 | -0.0024796017 | 0.002041800 | 0.599 | 0.401 |
D02 | 0.0003166735 | -0.0015917805 | 0.002259158 | 0.563 | 0.437 |
D03 | 0.0004249427 | -0.0012783718 | 0.002415569 | 0.536 | 0.464 |
B04 | 0.0003926786 | -0.0016173340 | 0.003010112 | 0.438 | 0.562 |
# Negatively associated
function_predictions %>%
filter(mean <0) %>%
arrange(-negative_support) %>%
trait | mean | p1 | p9 | positive_support | negative_support |
B03 | -5.085998e-04 | -0.0011041092 | -7.200935e-09 | 0.096 | 0.904 |
D01 | -1.018245e-03 | -0.0025075048 | 1.925184e-05 | 0.106 | 0.894 |
B10 | -5.323854e-05 | -0.0001321572 | 1.014008e-05 | 0.149 | 0.851 |
B02 | -1.545790e-03 | -0.0043634642 | 7.360975e-04 | 0.198 | 0.802 |
D08 | -7.589549e-05 | -0.0001818120 | 1.929862e-05 | 0.211 | 0.789 |
D09 | -7.370514e-04 | -0.0022990535 | 5.608475e-04 | 0.222 | 0.778 |
B09 | -3.453682e-05 | -0.0000961876 | 2.775886e-05 | 0.245 | 0.755 |
D07 | -6.584616e-04 | -0.0025220716 | 1.046351e-03 | 0.302 | 0.698 |
S02 | -5.550692e-04 | -0.0025357452 | 1.590999e-03 | 0.320 | 0.680 |
S03 | -1.031175e-03 | -0.0057084232 | 4.142674e-03 | 0.367 | 0.633 |
B06 | -3.095813e-04 | -0.0021675065 | 1.250320e-03 | 0.405 | 0.595 |
D06 | -3.055253e-04 | -0.0015702819 | 8.006510e-04 | 0.466 | 0.534 |
#lm option (incoherent with Bayesian framework)
#function_predictions <- community_functions %>%
# bind_rows() %>%
# pivot_longer(-dominance, names_to = "trait", values_to = "value") %>%
# group_by(trait) %>%
# mutate(dominance=as.numeric(dominance)) %>%
# summarize(model=list(lm(value ~ dominance))) %>%
# ungroup() %>%
# select(trait,model) %>%
# mutate(estimate = map_dbl(model, ~broom::tidy(.) %>% filter(term == "dominance") %>% pull(estimate))) %>%
# mutate(p_value = map_dbl(model, ~broom::tidy(.) %>% filter(term == "dominance") %>% pull(p.value))) %>%
# mutate(p_value_adj = p.adjust(p_value, method = "bonferroni")) %>%
# select(-model) %>%
# arrange(-estimate) %>%
# filter(p_value_adj < 0.05)
#brms option (very lengthy) > even more if group is added as random effect (not in this example)
#function_predictions <- community_functions %>%
# bind_rows() %>%
# pivot_longer(-dominance, names_to = "trait", values_to = "value") %>%
# mutate(dominance=as.numeric(dominance)) %>%
# group_by(trait) %>%
# do(model=list(brm(value ~ dominance, data=.))) %>%
# ungroup() %>%
# select(trait,model) %>%
# mutate(estimate = map_dbl(model, ~broom.mixed::tidy(.) %>% filter(term == "dominance") %>% pull(estimate))) %>%
# mutate(error = map_dbl(model, ~broom.mixed::tidy(.) %>% filter(term == "dominance") %>% pull(std.error))) %>%
# mutate(error = map_dbl(model, ~broom.mixed::tidy(.) %>% filter(term == "dominance") %>% pull(conf.low))) %>%
# mutate(error = map_dbl(model, ~broom.mixed::tidy(.) %>% filter(term == "dominance") %>% pull(conf.high))) %>%
# arrange(-estimate)
community_functions %>%
bind_rows() %>%
pivot_longer(-dominance, names_to = "trait", values_to = "value") %>%
filter(trait %in% function_predictions$trait) %>%
mutate(trait=factor(trait, levels=function_predictions$trait)) %>%
mutate(dominance=as.numeric(dominance)) %>%
ggplot(aes(x=dominance, y=value)) +
geom_smooth(method = lm, formula = y ~ x, se = TRUE) +
#geom_smooth(method = lm, formula = y ~ splines::bs(x, 3), se = TRUE) +
facet_wrap(~trait, ncol=5, scales="free") +
theme_minimal() +
labs(x="Dominance",y="Metabolic Capacity Index")